Music rights vary depending on the use and broadcasting of a selection of music.  Music copyright compliance is the responsibility of the parties involved in producing, purchasing, performing to, and publicizing the music used in a cheer or dance routine. It is important that all parties understand what the license(s) for the music allows, and that all music copyright laws are followed.

This music provider directory is a resource of music producers who have agreed to follow music copyright laws. It does not in any way suggest any vetting by USA Cheer or preference for these music producers. Music producers who are not on this list may still provide music legally for cheer or dance routines.

As an end user of music, it is important that you understand music copyright law and know the limits of any licensing agreements undertaken with your music producers.

By using this music provider directory or the services of any producer on this directory, you acknowledge that USA Cheer is providing this directory as a resource, and agree to hold USA Cheer harmless from any claim of improper music licensing.

I agree – Enter the Music Provider Directory